The Rotary Club of Colombo handed over a state of the art Digital Mammography Machine valued at over Rs 100m to the Cancer Prevention and Early Center (CEDC) supported by the National Cancer Control Programme of the Ministry of Health. The Cancer Early Detection center is a land mark project of the club running for almost 20 years. Over this period over 80,000 women have been screened free of charge, and non conformities detected at an early stage enabling of effective treatment and the saving of numerous lives. The new new ultra modern Hologic Dimensions-6000 fully Digital Mammography System with 3D Tomosynthesis which replaces the earlier analogue machine was funded by the Rotary Club of Colombo and RI District 3640 Seoul Korea. It provides much greater accuracy and efficiency, being able to detect more invasive cancers as well. The Director NCCP, Dr Eshani Fernando and the Secretary to the Ministry of Health Mr Janaka Sri Chandraguptha were present for the handover. PRIP K Ravindran, DG Pubudu De Soyza , President Asmath Iqbal , PP Tony Alles. PP Derek Wijeratne and PP Nirmalie Samaratunga were amongst the club members who graced the occasion.