AGM was held on the 18th December 2008

Accounts of the previous year was tabled and adopted.

Board of Directors were Elected.


  • President: Rtn. Nimal Samarakkody.
  • President Elect 2009/10: Rtn. Seneke Amarasinghe. Proposed by Rtn. Nimal Samarakkody and seconded by Rtn. Rajiv Walpita.
  • Vice President 2009/10: Rtn: Ken Nirmalan. Proposed by Col. R. Harindran and seconded by K. Soundarajan.
  • Secretary 2009/10: Rtn Rohan Karunaratne. Proposed by Rtn. Seneke Amarasinghe and seconded by Rtn. Nimal Samarakkody.
  • Treasurer 2009/10: Rtn Nihal Wadugodapitiya. Proposed by Rtn. Nimal Samarakkody and seconded by Rtn. Rajieve Fernando.
  • Sergeant at Arms: Rtn Rajieve Fernando, Proposed by Rtn. Nihal Wadugodapitiya and Rtn. Nimal Samarakkody.
  • Director Club Administration: Rtn Rajiv Walpita, Proposed by Rtn. Nimal Samarakkody and seconded by Rtn. K. Soundararajan.
  • Director of Public Relations: Rtn PP Mike Masilamani, Proposed by Rtn. Tara Cooray and seconded by Rtn. Upali De Silva.
  • Director Membership: Rtn PP Chandima Gunawardena, Proposed by Rtn. Nimal Samarakkody and seconded by PP Nirmali Samaratunga.
  • Director Service Projects: Rtn. Upali De Silva Proposed by Nimal Samarakkody and seconded by Rtn. Rajiv Walpita.
  • Director Rotary Foundation: Rtn PDG Tissa Bandaranayake, Proposed by Rtn. Rohan Karunaratne and seconded by Rtn. Rajiv Walpita.